Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting ready to head out!

It's late Tuesday night (5-18-2010) and we're preparing for our second big trip in our new motorhome. Our first major sojourn was to Northern California last fall to have Thanksgiving with our family. What started out as a two week trip ended up as four plus weeks, winding through the Central Coast, then down to Palm Springs, and finally home to Texas, eating well, drinking good wine, meeting interesting folks, some of whom are doing the same kind of lifestyle we're living. This time, we're heading the other way on I-10 to Florida. Down one side and up the other! Then, who knows where from there. Some of our friends have asked us to write about our travels because they find it interesting that we can mix heading out on the road for so long with our work. That's right, we are not retired like so many of the other RV'ers we encounter. We both still have "full time" jobs, only we don't work for the man, but only for ourselves. Next stop, far Southeast Texas, on the way to Cajun Country!

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